Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Letter from Jade to Ah Ma

6th October 2009

Dearest Ah Ma ,

It’s a long time since I last wrote to you. Happiness is when Kongkong tells
me that you will be coming back in three weeks time. Yes, I know you are coming back for baby brother’s arrival. We are all just as excited as you are. Dada and Mama have made all the preparations for him. He’s going to sleep with me and I am going to take good care of him. Initially he’s going to sleep in mama’s room before he comes over to be my roommate.

Dada has bought me a new bed and I am going to give mine to him. We have many "friends" here – Rosie (the rabbit) Elmo, Dolly, Hipo (the hippopotamus) and Skippy ( the kangaroo ). Dada bought me a tea set from Toys A'rus . When I have guests like KongKong, Uncle Ti , Uncle Chien or Uncle Yeow Siew I make tea and serve them otherwise I usually have tea with the friends in the room. Uncle Chien bought me a doctor’s medical kit the other night. Now I am Dr. Jade! There are many books here too on the shelves and each night I am going to read him a bedtime story before he sleeps. Of course I am going to sing to him too. I can sing many songs, including some that are in Kongkong’s cd. Each time I hear “Itsy bitsy …” ( can’t really get the full title correctly) my bum bum starts swaying to the rhythm . Then there’s another that I like too. It starts with “wo ..wo ..ya…ya “. I call it the dog song !
Baby brother is going to have a whale of a time here with me here !

Psst sss Ah Ma, I overhead from Dada’s chat with Mama that baby brother’s name is Justin. It’s a nice name isn’t it ? It has the letter “J”like mine and Dada’s. I wonder what his Chinese name is ? Aiya whatever lah I will call him Justin.

Ah Ma, Kongkong told me the other day that you’ll be coming back for good soon. Hurray! Happiness is when we shall hold hands and go “jalan jalan cari makan” I’ll be looking forward to it. Frankly I was expecting you to be back for good during Uncle Chien’s wedding /CNY. There’s so much to do together. It’s time you come back and be with us. I suppose Kongkong must have been very lonely without you for so long. There are times when he’s all alone at home. You know I hate Mondays – that’s black Monday for me too . That’s when dada starts to work after the weekend. I’ll miss him ! With you back here , Kongkong and you can have a lot of happy time together. There are more to life than working – walking in the park, watching movies , listening to music , singing , dancing, touring, cooking : the list goes on. You also have us, Uncle Chien, Aunty Amelia and Uncle Ti too. Ha ha I am really excited about it. I am looking forward to the exciting time we have missed out and roll out the good times of walking in the parks, shopping malls and visiting friends and relatives , proudly introducing me to them . Ha! ha!

Love and hugs from Jade .

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